Increase your sense of parental fulfilment with the help of hypnosis.
Guided by Denise Martin, Clinical Individual and Group Hypnotist (U of T), Birth and Postpartum Doula and Educator
Are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or disconnected to self? Are you dealing with the pressures of mothering or parenting, worrying you do not have maternal instincts or is sleep being affected?
Join me on a 4-week free hypnosis series to support you on your journey of parenting/mothering. An opportunity to set an hour of reflection, rest, and rejuvenation each week with connection to other parents.
1. Feel more like you and who you want to be as a mother
2. Release the pressure to be the perfect parent
3. See your mothering/parenting role in a new perspective
4. Forgiveness Circle, releasing own childhood experience(s) to follow your own path of parenting
This series may help you to achieve the following;
Rapid Relaxation
Your mind will be able to focus on the most important task at hand without distraction. A sense of instant calmness will foster mindfulness and balance.
Positive Emotional Resources
Tap into positive emotions when you need it the most. Use self-hypnosis techniques to flip your emotional script during challenging moments and days.
Hypnotic Time Distortion for Sleep
Getting enough sleep can be a struggle in parenthood. Whether you have minutes or hours to catch up on sleep, you can make the most out of the time you have.
Connection to Baby
Hypnosis lets the fear and uncertainty of trying to decipher what your baby needs fall away while you refine your instincts.
Dates To Be Announced
*Registration is required for login. Attendees must have camera on during the sessions.
Contact Denise, Clinical Individual and Group Hypnotist @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (905) 252-5447 for more information or to register.
Mindful, Magical Childbirth Series
Access the power of your mind and body connection for a deeper level of calmness, relaxation, and confidence for birth and the postnatal period.
Pregnancy is a time when you are more naturally in touch with your body and innerself. Introducing a meditation practise or self hypnosis can enhance the experience by creating a "way in" to her mind's inner sanctum. You can then see deeper than the mind's chatter and fears and connect with your calm inner core.
Using simple self hypnosis tools in addition to other strategies like Spinning Babies (optimal fetal positioning exercises) you will be able to be guided and empowered that, in the absence of fear and tension, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labour.
In this series of 5 sessions, you will explore old thoughts about the birth process and the postnatal period and release what does not serve you. You will be provided with exercises to aid in achieving deep relaxation with the aid of your partner, free of the resistance that fear creates. You will be empowered to use your natural birthing instincts for a calm, serene and informed birth.
Guest presenters will address pelvic floor health, body work and special circumstances that may arise.
Virtual Sessions Through Zoom - Registration is $100.00/couple
Saturdays March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
What You Will Discover in the Sessions
Session 1: Setting the Stage for Birth and the Postnatal Period
Session 2: Optimal Mind and Body Preparation
Session 3: Building Blocks of Coping Techniques
Session 4: Phases and Stages and Special Circumstances
Session 5: Welcome Baby, Transformation of Self
Contact Denise, Clinical Individual and Group Hypnotist @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (905) 252-5447 for more information or to register.
Infant Care and Self Care
Prenatal Couples Class
Information and practical skills to help you prepare for your first weeks of parenthood. Join this detailed, interactive and fun session to help you feel confident in caring for your baby and yourself when baby arrives.