I will not have all the answers for you. What I will have, is a strong connection to my Self so I may become the reminder for you to stay connected inside where you live. I will become your Guide, fully at ease with the chaos, intimacy and intensity the birthing process can bring. I will encourage you throughout your experience of pregnancy and birth and the postnatal period and beyond to listen to what it is you need in the moment to stay safe, comfortable and fully at ease with the genius of your body and your baby.
It is my belief that each child born into a world where their Mother knows how to trust the genius of her own body and chooses to honor herself in each moment of her experience, whatever the outcome, will begin to change the world, one person at a time.
I am passionate about creating a gateway for birth and the postnatal period to become the potential for personal transformation. That of yourself (mother) and the father and the family. Thus 4 The Love of The Family. Contact me @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click here for a video "The Essential Ingredient: Doula"